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The 3rd annual UBC PAW Animal Welfare Conference will feature a series of talks about current animal welfare issues regarding wildlife welfare. This year's topic "Wildlife Management and Conservation" seeks to provide an in depth understanding on human-wildlife interactions and all the ways an individual, like yourself, can help sustain local wildlife.


AMS Nest - Graduate Student Society (GSS) Loft

Room 4202

6113 University Boulevard, Vancouver BC



12:30 pm - 4:30 pm       

Doors open at 12 pm

A light lunch will be provided during the conference. 


*Attendees are not required to stay for the entirety of the conference but we do ask you to be respectful and exit during the allotted break. For those who have time conflicts during the first half of the conference, you may choose to enter the conference during the break as well.*


12:00- Doors open


12:30- Opening remarks


12:35 pm - Dr. Shelley Alexander (MSc PhD)

Compassionate Conservation: Do Animals Have a Sense of Place?


1:20 pm- Dr. Cole Burton (MSc PhD)

Camera Traps: A Noninvasive Tool to Inform Human-Wildlife Coexistence


2:05 pm - Erin Ryan

AnimalKind: The Best Practices for Urban Wildlife Control


2:30 pm - Break


2:50 pm - Dr. Martin Haulena (DVM MSc DACZM)

Marine Mammal Welfare in the Wild: A Veterinarian’s Role in Conservation


3:35 pm - Dr. Amelia MacRae (MSc PhD)

Wildlife Rehabilitation: Welfare Challenges Faced by Marine Mammals Entering Rehabilitation Centers

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