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Shelley Alexander, MSc PhD

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Dr. Shelley Alexander is an international canid specialist and the founder of the Canid Conservation Science Lab (  She has conducted field-based and geospatial (GIS, Remote Sensing, statistics) analysis of large carnivore ecology, specializing in wolves and coyotes, and has studied human-wildlife conflict in the Calgary region since 1990. Dr. Alexander is responsible for launching the Calgary Coyote Project, which studies regional urban and rural coyote ecology and human-coyote conflicts across Canada. During that time, she spearheaded an educational website and an on-line citizen science mapping tool, Living with CoyotesShe is also the founder of the Foothills Coyote Initiative and a member of the Board of Directors of the Society for Conservation Biology North American Section and the Science Advisory Board for Project Coyote (USA).

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