Martin Haulena, DVM MSc Dipl. ACZM
Dr. Martin Haulena has an MSc in wildlife pathology and a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Guelph, and has just been certified as a Diplomate of the American College of Zoological Medicine. He is conducting clinical and basic research on marine mammals and is actively involved in the preservation of endangered species. He has worked closely with UBC researchers studying Steller sea lions housed at the Aquarium and is on the advisory committee of three UBC students. He participates in field studies of seals and sea lions in California, British Columbia and Alaska, and regularly presents findings at scientific conferences. He has co-authored 27 research papers pertaining to the health and physiology of marine mammals. Dr. Haulena has been working closely with the Marine Mammal Research Unit since being hired by the Vancouver Aquarium in 2006 and is contributing to the training of UBC students and development of the UBC research program.